Vom kleinen Maulwurf, derwis wollte, wer ihm auf den Kopf gemacht hat

The little mole gets feces from an unknown animal on his head. Angered, he goes off to different animals to find out who did it. Will the mole find out who it was?


Werner Holzwarth


Wolf Erlbruch







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Article number: 9783872944078 Category: Tags ,


When the little mole takes his head out of his house, he is surprised by the feces that ends up on his head. He gets angry and decides to find out who did this.

He embarks on a journey where he asks the goat, the cow, the pigeon, the horse and the pig: "Was it you who put it on my head?" And each of them answers: “Me? Of course not… my excrement is different.”

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