Jesteś ważny, Pinku!
You are unique, did you know that? Each of us is. There is no one like you anywhere in the world. That's why you are unique. Nobody is perfect. You have pros and cons, each of us has them. They make us valuable as we are. Just like Pinku - your new friend.
Author | Mlodnicka Urszula, Waligora Agnieszka |
ISBN | 9788383223131 |
Pages | 136 |
€16,95 Incl. vat
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Availability: In stock (can be backordered)
Pink is a little creature that just keeps growing. He is a bit shy and not always sure if what he thinks and feels is right. He is afraid of his weaknesses because he does not yet know that it can also be his strength. He wonders if he is as important as the others. He looks at himself and tries to make friends with himself.
Help Pink believe in herself, and he'll help you do the same!
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