Harry Potter wa hagara al-asrar -2
After a horrible vacation, Harry Potter is allowed to go back to wizard school. But there he hears a mysterious voice in the walls. Several attacks on students soon follow and Harry finds a special diary.
Dimensions | 14×20 cm |
Author | JK Rowling |
ISBN | 9789771458692 |
Pages | 288 |
Cover | Paperback |
Original title | 1 |
€21,99 Incl. vat
Availability: Available on back-order
Availability: Available on back-order
Arabic edition of 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets' (Part 2). Harry has had a very bad holiday with Aunt and Uncle Dursley and returns to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to start second grade there. It's not easy to get there; luckily Harry and his friend Ron have an old blue flying car at their disposal. At school, too, it soon becomes clear that this school year will not be a quiet one. Harry discovers Riddle's very special diary, survives several attacks and goes in search of the person behind the mysterious voice. Once again an exciting, fairytale-like, playful and adventurous book that captivates from the beginning to the end.
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